City of Bartlesville
Posted: Dec 03, 2024 2:09 PMUpdated: Dec 03, 2024 2:09 PM
Public Comment a Topic of Conversation at Monday's Council Meeting

Ty Loftis
Once the newly formed Bartlesville city council had elected a mayor and vice mayor, they got down to business and began discussing how public comment should be handled during meetings moving forward.
The current charter says any resident living within ten miles of City Hall can give public comment. There was discussion on if and how that should be changed, rather extended to 20 miles or cover Washington County specifically. Here are council members Aaron Kirkpatrick and Tim Sherrick sharing their thoughts on the two possibilities to the change in the charter.
After much discussion, a resolution was passed allowing for any resident residing within the city limits of Bartlesville and all residents in Washington County being able to speak during the public comment portion of city council meetings.
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