Washington County
Posted: Dec 17, 2024 1:56 PMUpdated: Dec 17, 2024 1:58 PM
Washington Co. Sheriff Named Administrator of the Year

Ty Loftis
On Tuesday morning, a member of the Washington County Sheriff's Office was presented with the Law Enforcement Administrator of the Year. That recognition went to Lieutenant James Pendergraft, who has been instrumental in getting the sheriff's office to work alongside Grand Mental Health.
Law Enforcement Director for Grand Mental Health, Jim Warring presented Pendergraft with the plaque and said 20 years ago he could tell Pendergraft had a vision for something similar to what they have now. Warring said he is proud of what the department has put together.
Pendergraft will be the first one to say he tries his best to avoid the spotlight, as he got into law enforcement to help the community. Pendergraft added as he moved up the ranks, he thought more and more about the importance of recognizing mental health as an important issue that the sheriff's office needed to tackle.
Pendergraft goes on to talk about how he has seen the program's success pay off since it has been implemented.
Pendergraft said he was humbled and appreciates the award greatly, but quickly added he is here to help serve the people of Washington County.
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