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Posted: Feb 07, 2022 1:24 PMUpdated: Feb 07, 2022 2:06 PM

Project Tribute Delivers Kits to Agency in Georgia

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Garrett Giles

A Bartlesville-based non-profit with a mission to provide lifesaving equipment to first responders makes a trip to Georgia.

Project Tribute Foundation Executive Director Jon Beckloff made the two day journey to the southeast over the weekend. Beckloff says he is delivering 40 kits to the Stevens County Fire Service out of Eastanolee, Georgia, to aid them in their life saving mission. He says they can only fulfill requests as long as they have funds.

Below is a list of requests from departments looking for equipment:


  • Farris Volunteer Fire (45 Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Park Rangers, Sheriff's Office and Fire) - $5,000 Value
  • Pawnee County Explorers (12 cadets) - $1,000 Value
  • Hominy Fire and surrounding area - $3,000 value
  • Luther, Oklahoma - $4,000 Value


You can help Project Tribute Foundation reach its current total of $13,000 in requested items by going to their website here.

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