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Posted: Jul 01, 2019 11:12 AMUpdated: Jul 01, 2019 12:12 PM

Dead Period Upcoming for Oklahoma Athletes

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With the 4th of July coming up, and fall sports practices approaching in the next couple of weeks the OSSAA has mandated that some student athletes take off this week.

It is a new dead period, which runs from this past Saturday until this coming Sunday across Oklahoma. This will cause most student athletes to have this week off.

This is the first year the OSSAA has tinkered with a mandated dead period, which does not allow student athletes to do any sort of activity with their coaches or at their own high school facilities. Bartlesville High Athletic and Activities Director Spence Rigdon explains.

The new rule may have some collateral damage. Student athletes are not allowed to work out at their high school facility, but they can still work out at other places in town. For instance, a Bartlesville High football player can lift this week at home or at an off-campus gym, but they cannot lift at the BHS facility.

This rule may also have implications for Bartlesville High baseball player’s ability to play in the Glen Winget Tournament. Because the event is held at the Bruin’s home baseball facility, Bill Doenges Memorial Stadium, that could cause issues. If the tournament was held anywhere else, it would be fine. Rigdon talks more about the dead period rule.

The rule also stops most offseason football activities, such as 7-on-7 passing leagues and lifting programs. The dead period will officially end on July 8.

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